Using labels

Use colored labels for files and folders for easier indexing. Administrators can customize labels by changing the text and color associated with each.

Assign a label to a file or folder (method 1)

Click the Three Dots Menublankbelow the file/folder thumbnail. Choose blank Label change.


Now choose the label you want to use from the pop-up window.


Assign a label to a file or folder (method 2)

You can also change the label on a file from the large preview view. Double-click on the file to open the file in the preview mode, then click on the Label next to the filename.


You can also change the label on a file from the blank Infobar.

Notice: if you hold your mouse over the Label you can see who has previously changed the label. More information can be found in the Log.


Choose the label you want to use in the pop-up window.


Assign a label to multiple files and folders

Select all files or folders you want.

Then click the blank Label change icon in the Bulk Action Bar.


Choose the label you want to assign to the items selected in the pop-up window.

OBS: Administrators and users with permission to "Manage labels" can edit and create new Label sets in Admin > Labels. And the same users can turn Labels and Label changes on and off on folder level in the Edit Folder menu.
Tip: Remember to turn on Notifications if you want to be notified when someone changes labels in specific folders. Read more about Notifications.
Notice: Labels offer a powerful and flexible way to index and categorize your files in ways that make sense for you and your workflow. Labels can be used in numerous tasks like file approvals, workflow messages, etc. You can search for labels using the advanced search option.

Notice: Only users with the user permission "Change label on files & folders" are allowed to change labels on files and folders.